Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Week 1: A Couple of My Favorite Places

Hawaii: About 3 years ago, I went on a vacation to the Hawaiian Islands. This was one of the greatest vacations that I have ever been on. We stayed on the island, Oahu, at the Aulani Disney Resort and made an excursion to Kauai.

(Aulani Disney Resort: tripadvisor.com)

(Fern Grotto on Kauai: to-hawaii.com)

Lapland, Finland: Well not necessarily Finland, but I wanted to choose a place where the Northern Lights can be seen, and this one of the best pictures that I could find. Although I have never seen the Northern Lights in person, they still hold a spot at the top of the list of my favorite places.

(Lapland, Finland: Article from CNN)


  1. Wow, Austin, how cool: Hawaii and the Northern Lights... what a great study in contrast! I've been to Hawaii and loved it (I went to high school there as a freshman; my dad had a temporary job in Honolulu) ... but I have never seen the Northern Lights. I am a huge fan of Philip Pullman's book Northern Lights (which they called Golden Compass in the American edition) ... and that makes me even more curious to see the Aurora. Maybe someday!!!

  2. Austin,
    I already commented on your introduction post last week so I decided to comment on this one this week! I love Hawaii, I went about five years ago before the Disney resort was open. I went on a cruise to Maui, Oahu, Kuwaii, and the Big Island. It was incredible! I hope to go back one day!

  3. Wow these places look so great! I have never been before but they sure look amazing and fun! I would love to go to Bahamas sometime but school is pretty much taking over all my vacation time! But I am quite excited about my vacation after graduation this January though! Australia should be fun! There are so many places to visit!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hey Austin! I couldn't very many posts that I haven't commented on! Man, the Fern Grotto was amazing, wasn't it? That was probably one of my favorite places too! Overall, Hawaii was just beautiful! I cannot wait to see the Northern Lights with you!! Maybe on our honeymoon? That would be pretty amazing! We'd just be marking things off my bucket list like crazy! My background on my computer is currently an amazing picture of the Northern Lights!
